Protea Services

At Protea Corporate Consulting we like to solve problems.  Maybe we can help you solve yours?


We love to work with clients who have problems to solve that don’t fit into a standard mold. Approximately half of our work is designing and building software, from designing credit card gateway APIs to membership-based mobile loyalty applications and everything in between.  We’re very comfortable working within PCI and other frameworks to help your team succeed long-term.  The other half of the time we’re working with you as consultants to strategize, develop a market, or get the most out of your existing internal or offshore development team.  Ultimately, our job is to give you the tools and excess capacity you need to succeed.

If have a startup, we will work with you to refine an MVP that’s minimal while still being viable (a piece that’s easy to get wrong, especially in the B2B world), and get it built, released, and supported.  You can then choose to move to an internal team, accelerate with us, or cut back to minimal hours while you go through normal sales cycles without having the expense of full-time staff; we can come with you as part of an executive sales team or simply fade into the background. That’s one advantage of a contract team instead of full-time employees.


As the head of development I have a tendency to go with what works, regardless of how sexy it (or its rivals) may be.  We love use cutting edge software where it makes sense, but are just as willing to boringly stand up a small slate of stateless Java servers processing RESTful requests that are designed to be easy to maintain a decade from now.  If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter.  As you might expect, we tend to follow a 12 factor approach to writing clean software, but even that’s not cut and dried if it doesn’t make sense.

Who We’re Not

We tend to reject more projects than we take.  If we don’t feel that we can make a contribution that’s outsized compared to our cost, we will often decline the work or refer you to another provider who’s a better fit.

If you’re looking for an outsourced development shop to fulfill your existing specifications, we’re probably not right for you.  If you have a vague idea of the problem you’re trying to solve, that’s likely not a good fit either.  If you’re passionate about a problem and have some vague ideas about ways to solve it through the application of software?  That’s where we can help.  Same if you have an existing team and you’re wondering if there’s a way to use them more effectively.

Having said that, we’re always up for a chat.  Please reach out and we’ll set up a call.